A to Z Blog

Bite-sized wellness tips from A-Z


A is for Apple

Welcome to my A-Z blog series dedicated to bite-sized health awareness.  The science is becoming ...


B is for Belly Breath

We tend to notice our breath when immersed in water, especially when under water. I recall times as a child...


C is for Caloric Density

One blueberry contains one calorie.  A Calorie is a unit of measure. It’s a measure of energy the body gets...


D is for Dirty Dozen

As we increase our intake of healthy fruits and vegetables it’s necessary to navigate the organic vs. non-organic decision. In a perfect world all the ...


E is for Emotion

There are different ways we’ve learned to handle our feelings. We often resist them, or judge them, (good/bad right/wrong). Sometimes ...


F is for Fiber-fueled

We humans evolved eating huge amounts of fiber, likely up to 10 times more than we eat today. Fiber is not a very sexy nutrient and yet it’s ...


G is for Gut Health

We often talk about our gut, using terms like “gut instinct”, or it takes “guts”. But what is the gut?..


H is for Hara Hachi Bu

I learned the meaning of this phrase after completing “The Blue Zones”. This book highlights the stories of ...


I is for Intentional

The practice of being intentional in today's world is important. There are so many ways we get distracted from ...


J is for Judgment

To judge is human. For the purpose of this post, I’m referring to the many judgements we make of ourselves ...


K is for Kindness

The word conjures up a quality or way of being. A quality of being generous, benevolent, friendly, considerate...


L is for Loyalty

Loyalty: a strong feeling of support or allegiance. A faithfulness, adherence.

As I started this post, my initial thought..


M is for Mindset

Lots of talk about mindset these days.

The simple definition I have for Mindset comes from Carol Dweck, an author ...


N is for Nourish

Our food has changed over the last 100 years with the advent of processed food. Look at the typical experience at ...


O is for Obstacle

Obstacle: Those things we constantly run into when trying to get what we want. This post is Inspired by Ryan ...


P is for Prevention

One of the mind shifts needed in modern health is to find ways to be more proactive. It's time to dedicate ...


Q is for Quietness

Quiet: the quality of very little noise. I am reminded of that classic song by Simon and Garfunkle, titled ...


R is for Resilience

Resilience: the ability to cope with and recover from life’s challenges and setbacks.It’s never too late to ...


S is for Shame-based thinking

Shame-based thinking is an inner negative dialogue derived from the incorrect belief that there is something wrong with you...