A to Z Blog

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M is for Mindset

April 27, 20221 min read

M is for Mindset

The simple definition I have for Mindset comes from Carol Dweck, the author of the book "Growth mindset" and a world-renowned psychologist.

Her definition:
Mindset is a set of attitudes.

Her books and research show that
attitudes resulting in dedication, hard work, and resilience are more important to growth and success than brains or talent. She calls this a growth mindset.

Even though our mindset starts to form in our early years, we can impact how it plays out in our life now.

When we change our mindset, this set of attitudes, we can change the course of our lives. 

Two step process to uncover your mindset:

Stop and breathe and witness

Shift your awareness to the breath, and linger there for a minute. Notice how the chest and abdomen expand and contract slightly. Try taking the breath deeper into your belly, so the belly rises on the in-breath. Conscious breathing stops the wandering mind, so that you can be present. Now think about an area of your life, your work, your relationship, your body, your health, and witness, simply notice the thoughts that come up.

Check your thoughts

Most of our thoughts are going to be our default, patterns we’ve picked up from others, so we want to check them. Are these thoughts that serve me? How are these thoughts making me feel? Many of our thoughts are just stories we adopted at a young age. When we take a closer look, it's clear they are made up and not true. It’s very helpful to write thoughts down, get them out on paper. Share them with others, question them. 

When you identify your mindset (set of attitudes) you'll gain more authority over your own behavior.

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Jenifer Paredes

"I can't imagine a better way to use our mind than in service of a healthier body"

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