A to Z Blog

Bite-sized health awareness from A-Z

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I is for Intentional

March 29, 20221 min read

I is for Intentional

The practice of being intentional in today's world is important. There are so many ways we get distracted from what matters most to us. Setting a clear intention in advance can make life more satisfying. It gives us a better chance of following through. An intention is defined as “an idea or aim you plan to carry out”

When you set an intention, you focus your mind prior to it’s default reaction. It will prepare your thinking to have some direction and focus. When done daily or even hourly, intentions keep your thoughts working FOR you. 

Intentions are simpler than goals, and ideally bring you into the present. 

For example, if you’re aware of rushing through meals, you could set the intention to slow down while eating. Or if you're habitually spending long stretches on the computer, you can set the intention to take ten minute walks or stretch breaks every 2 hours. Setting an alarm on your phone can assist with this. 

If you’re meeting with others, you can set an intention to have clarity on what you need, or how you want to show up. You can set a general intention such as “ be curious and open-minded’ today. These are personal to you, and based on what’s satisfying to you, serving as your reminder as the day unfolds.

An intention differs from a goal- in that it’s more about who you want to be, rather than a specific outcome. 

Goal:  to hike to the top of a mountain trail.

Intention: to have fun, to enjoy the beauty, and take breaks along the way.

Intentions bring us into the present, thoughtfully nudging us toward our goals in a way that is satisfying and decided in advance. 

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Jenifer Paredes

"I can't imagine a better way to use our mind than in service of a healthier body"

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