A to Z Blog

Bite-sized health awareness from A-Z

S is for Shame-based thinking

S is for Shame-based thinking

Shame-based thinking is an inner negative dialogue derived from the incorrect belief that there is something wrong with you. This conditioned thinking can be painful and lead to numbing out, avoiding... ...more

A to Z Blog

August 16, 20221 min read

R is for Resilience

R is for Resilience

Resilience: the ability to cope with and recover from life’s challenges and setbacks. It’s never too late to develop resilience. Since we are living longer and adapting to a high speed of change, heal... ...more

A to Z Blog

July 24, 20221 min read

Q is for Quietness

Q is for Quietness

Quiet: the quality of very little noise. I am reminded of that classic song by Simon and Garfunkle. titled “The sounds of silence” What is whispered in the sounds of silence? What happens in the abse... ...more

A to Z Blog

June 02, 20221 min read

P is for Prevention

P is for Prevention

One of the mind shifts needed in modern health is to find ways to be more proactive. It's time to dedicate more of our own dollars and resources to prevent disease. ...more

A to Z Blog

May 21, 20221 min read

O is for Obstacle

O is for Obstacle

Obstacle: Those things we constantly run into when trying to get what we want. This post is Inspired by Ryan Holiday’s book, “The Obstacle is the Way” Instead of seeing an obstacle as a barrier, we c... ...more

A to Z Blog

May 11, 20221 min read

N is for Nourish

N is for Nourish

Our food has changed over the last 100 years with the advent of processed food. Look at the typical experience at the grocery store. Much of the food displayed, visible on the outer aisles, as you ent... ...more

A to Z Blog

May 03, 20221 min read

M is for Mindset

M is for Mindset

Lots of talk about mindset these days. The simple definition I have for Mindset comes from Carol Dweck, an author and world-renowned psychologist. MIndset is a set of attitudes. ...more

A to Z Blog

April 27, 20221 min read

L is for Loyalty

L is for Loyalty

Loyalty: a strong feeling of support or allegiance. A faithfulness, adherence. As I started this post, my initial thought was to choose the word Love. But after reviewing my notes, I chose Loyalty an... ...more

A to Z Blog

April 20, 20221 min read

K is for Kindness

K is for Kindness

Kindness. The word conjures up a quality or way of being. A quality of being generous, benevolent, friendly, considerate. Often witnessed as “acts” of kindness. ...more

A to Z Blog

April 13, 20221 min read

J is for Judgement

J is for Judgement

To judge is human. For the purpose of this post, I’m referring to the many judgements we make of ourselves, of others and circumstances. ...more

A to Z Blog

April 06, 20221 min read

I is for Intentional

I is for Intentional

The practice of being intentional in today's world is important. There are so many ways we get distracted from what matters most to us. Setting a clear intention in advance can make life more satisfyi... ...more

A to Z Blog

March 29, 20221 min read

H is for Hara Hachi Bu

H is for Hara Hachi Bu

I learned the meaning of this phrase after completing “The Blue Zones”. This book highlights the stories of centenarians, (people who live to 100 years plus) in high concentrations in specific areas ... ...more

A to Z Blog

March 23, 20221 min read

G is for Gut Health

G is for Gut Health

We often talk about our gut, using terms like “gut instinct”, or it takes “guts”. But what is the gut? And why all this talk about Gut health? ...more

A to Z Blog

March 16, 20222 min read

F is for Fiber-fueled

F is for Fiber-fueled

We humans evolved eating huge amounts of fiber, likely up to 10 times more than we eat today. Fiber is not a very sexy nutrient and yet it’s the one we really want to get to know better. ...more

A to Z Blog

January 19, 20221 min read

E is for Emotion

E is for Emotion

There are different ways we’ve learned to handle our feelings. We often resist them, or judge them, (good/bad right/wrong). Sometimes indulge them, or ignore them. At their root, feelings are simply ... ...more

A to Z Blog

January 12, 20221 min read

D is for Dirty Dozen

D is for Dirty Dozen

As we increase our intake of healthy fruits and vegetables it’s necessary to navigate the organic vs. non-organic decision. In a perfect world all the produce we buy would be naturally free of pestici... ...more

A to Z Blog

January 05, 20221 min read

B is for Belly Breath

B is for Belly Breath

We tend to notice our breath when immersed in water, especially when under water. I recall times as a child feeling “out of breath” while swimming and anticipating “holding my breath” under water. It ... ...more

A to Z Blog

December 22, 20212 min read

A is for Apple

A is for Apple

The science is becoming clear, the SAD, (Standard American Diet) is not working. We’ve developed an unnatural desire for foods that are making us sick. We have become undernourished and overfed. I bel... ...more

A to Z Blog

December 15, 20212 min read

C is for Caloric Density

C is for Caloric Density

One blueberry contains one calorie. A Calorie is a unit of measure. It’s a measure of energy the body gets from a certain food. Awareness of the calories in food matters. Eating excess calories means... ...more

A to Z Blog

November 29, 20212 min read

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